How to fight global poverty and make the world a better place

It is worth learning how to fight global poverty. We can define poverty as living in a condition of poor being with little to no money or goods in order to meet up with the basic needs of life. Ask yourself what is poverty and just imagine for a second what it means to live without the basic necessities of life. You’ll conclude with me without doubt that life for poor people is really horrible. And that we ought to fight poverty by helping out those who are into it.
From the poverty definition, we see that everyone should do their best to stay away from it. And that those who are subjected to all what we just figured out in poverty definition should do their best to fight it and benefit from what a poverty free life has to offer.
How to fight global poverty
Extreme poverty has led to the death of uncountable human beings on our planet. And this extreme poverty that we are talking about does not seem to be moving to its end. It is still killing poor people in great numbers. That is why we need to come out with poverty solutions in order to minimize or work towards bringing an end to extreme poverty.
For us to completely fight poverty, it won’t be an easy task. It is certain that we shall come across a lot of challenges some of which will be more than discouraging. Whatever the case, we know that implementing poverty solutions is not an impossible task. It can be done. Even if it won’t completely eradicate extreme poverty, it will minimize its fatality rate and save lives.
How to fight global poverty
Definition of poverty (poverty definition or poverty meaning)
If we were to be asked what is poverty or simply to clearly define poverty or say what poverty meaning is, we’ll basically say that it is a condition where people are unable to meet their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. We can further simplify the definition of poverty or poverty definition into two main classes. The first class is absolute poverty which refers to the condition where poor people cannot afford adequate nutritional resources in order to meet up with the minimum physical health requirements. This is how we can explain absolute poverty meaning. A good number of countries have already brought up absolute poverty solutions which have been tested and proven to work. It is left for the whole world to welcome these absolute poverty solutions in order to save lives.
Still on the definition of poverty or poverty definition, we are going to introduce the second class which is relative poverty. Mostly varying and occurring within countries, relative poverty has to do with a situation were poor people in a country are unable to benefit from the minimum levels of living standards which are determined by the government. Unlike absolute poverty, relative poverty is rapidly increasing and seems to be impossible to eradicate. Relative poverty is caused by unemployment, poor health conditions, and low educational achievements. These factors create variables and gaps between the citizens of the same country in terms of earnings and living conditions. They are very hard to adjust. However, researches are still being carried out and experts are working on how to find possible relative poverty solutions or simple ways to reduce their intensity. This is all we can say about relative poverty meaning.
Understanding the poverty line
The chances that you have heard the word poverty line are very high. Whatever the case, we will pour more light on it for a better understanding with an aim to end poverty by bringing out the possible causes of poverty or poverty causes together with poverty solutions as you continuously unfold our writing.
The poverty line is also well known as the poverty threshold. It is the midpoint between the rich and the poor. It represents the smallest amount of money that an individual or a family requires in order to meet up with their basic needs. The poverty line represents a particular amount of cash which is determined by experts to say that if a person ends below it, he/she is considered poor. This is what humanitarians use in order to determine who needs extra help with stuffs like shelter, food, and medical assistance. It is worth noting that the poverty line is not the same in all countries. In most cases, it is determined based on the country’s economic level.
How to fight world poverty
The poverty level around the world is seriously alarming and if something is not done, it will make away with the lives of so many. World poverty and child poverty are realities which we have in many parts of the world. The future world is going to be lived and catered for by the children of today. But the rate of child poverty keeps us wondering about the future that awaits them. By child poverty, we mean situations were children are unable to get access to medical facilities, shelter, food, and education which will prepare them to better manage the world of tomorrow. With all these in mind, we must stand up against world poverty and with the contributions of each and every one, we are going to make the world a better place to be.
One of the ways in which we can use to end global poverty is by stepping out and identifying the various causes of poverty or poverty causes in a particular community and figuring out their corresponding solutions. We must have in mind that the world poverty varies from one place to another due to its different causes. That is why we have to study each community individually if we really want to end poverty in the world and make it a better place for us and our children. There exist many international associations that fight child poverty as well as those that are focused on fighting global poverty (world poverty). Our help is solicited in one way or the other for the correct functioning of these associations. You can assist by learning more about the World Vision’s plans on how to eradicate global or world poverty. You can also support them in prayers as well as financially. And lastly, you can sponsor or offer the chance for a child to build his/her future through education as well as offering the child food, shelter, and medical facilities. Do not think that what you have to offer is too small, just have in mind that it can save the life of one child somewhere around the globe.
Poverty in America
Researches which were conducted on poverty in America by experts did reveal that most Americans aged between 25 and 75 often turn to spend at least one year below the poverty line. The rate of poverty in America is relatively higher in rural and inner city parts when compared with suburban areas. Although the number of poor people living in America is not that clear, we can roughly make a percentage estimation of 15%. Whatever the case, the American government is putting in lots of efforts in order to end poverty in her country.
Poverty in India
Although India has one of the rapidly growing economies in the world, its degree of poverty is alarming. We will be in error if we were to talk about the world poverty issue without making mention of the significant rate of poverty in India. We can make an estimate of about 900 million Indians who are living below the poverty line. However, the Indian government is taking precautions on how to implement poverty solutions and actually end poverty in India.
Poverty in Africa
The present day rate of poverty in Africa has greatly dropped when compared to that of previous years. Whatever the case, they still have much to accomplish in fighting and eliminating poverty off their land. In the past, poverty in Africa use to be alarming. But today, thanks to their fast growing economy, things are turning out for the best.
Poverty solutions
Poverty reduction is a strategy which was long embraced and implemented by so many countries. But apart from poverty reduction strategies, we must also add that recent researches by experts did reveal lots of poverty solutions which if adopted and implemented, we will end poverty and make the world a better place for us and our offspring. Below are the top solutions:
Creation of job opportunities
Job opportunities will act as a poverty reduction strategy while sufficient or enough job opportunities will eventually end poverty. We all know that one of the causes of poverty or poverty causes is unemployment. While this unemployment is not usually voluntary, it causes more harm than good. That is why every country should put down strategies on how to create more and sufficient job opportunities for her citizens. A country can do this by making its environment attractive to potential investors. They can as well make investment taxes affordable in order to get more national and international investors who will not only boost the county’s economy, but will also create room for development and employment.
Offering professional training
It is very easy for us to shout at the top of our voices that there are no employment opportunities. We do this most of the times and even forget to ask ourselves if we are professionally prepared for employment should in case opportunities come our way. That is why each and every personal ought to invest in their educational life as well as professional training. Here, the government can do well by preparing her citizens for job opportunities in and out of the country by properly giving them a professional training of an international standard. This will permeate those who are creative enough to step out and self-employ themselves while leaving the others with the necessary skills to get employed whenever opportunities are available.
Education on family planning
In as much as the government of each country is responsible for training her citizens on the basics and importance of fighting poverty, they are to be taught family planning too. Around the world, you’ll notice that it is the poor person who has several sets of children from different wives as his family. Even though he is unable to fully meet his personal needs, he perceives having so many children as a pride or a way to be respected in his local community. Such ideologies should be readdressed and eliminated. That is why it is advisable for each country’s government to create and send out educative groups to all its different ethnic communities.
Invest in educating children
The country of tomorrow will be governed by the present day children and if we are serious about putting an end to extreme poverty and creating a better society, we must pay attention to the quality of education that we offer to the children or youths. While there are still so many ethnic groups around the world who hardly send their children to school, such should be readdressed by the local government. In most cases, some parents do not have the means to educate these children. Their local governments can either offer to them an affordable or free education. This is indeed for the safety and growth of the country. We all know that the power of a country is determined by its number of scholars.
Promote self-employment
The local governments of every community can take on steps to promote and encourage self-employment, a situation whereby unemployed citizens create little jobs for themselves that can allow them to meet their needs. We know that it is difficult if not impossible for the government to create jobs for all her citizens. That’s why in addition to creating jobs, they should also be promoting self-employed citizens.
This brings us to the end of our article on how to fight global poverty and make the world a better place for us and the rest of our generations. We hope that you found it educative and useful. Remember to comment, like, and share with your friends so that they can also do something in fighting the global poverty rate.